Inspirational Quotations

Inspirational Quotations on Obedience

Obedience is a word and concept from which the valiant look for their deliverance.

Obedience indeed is only the pitiful and cowardly egotism of him who thinks that he can do something better than reason.
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822) English Poet, Dramatist, Essayist, Novelist

Nonviolence is fine as long as it works.
Malcolm X (1925–65) American Civil Rights Leader

I have thought about it a great deal, and the more I think, the more certain I am that obedience is the gateway through which knowledge, yes, and love, too, enter the mind of the child.
Anne Sullivan Macy (1866–1936) American Educator

Let thy child’s first lesson be obedience, and the second will be what thou wilt.
Benjamin Franklin (1706–90) American Political Leader, Inventor, Diplomat

Obedience is the mother of success and is wedded to safety.
Aeschylus (525–456 BCE) Greek Playwright

Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.
The Holy Bible Scripture in the Christian Faith

When any one State in the American Union refuses obedience to the Confederation by which they have bound themselves, the rest have a natural right to compel them to obedience
Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) American Head of State, Lawyer

Thirty years of our Lord’s life are hidden in these words of the gospel: “He was subject unto them.”
Jacques-Benigne Bossuet (1627–1704) French Churchman, Pulpit Orator

Those who know the least obey the best.
George Farquhar (1677–1707) Irish Dramatist

God seeks comrades and claims love, the Devil seeks slaves and claims obedience.
Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941) Bengali Poet, Polymath

Filial obedience is the first and greatest requisite of a state; by this we become good subjects to our rulers, capable of behaving with just subordination to our superiors, and grateful dependants on heaven. By this we become good magistrates; for early submission is the truest lesson to those who would learn to rule. By this the whole state may be said to resemble one family, of which the monarch is the protector, father, and friend.
Oliver Goldsmith (1730–74) Irish Novelist, Playwright, Poet

It is right that what is just should be obeyed. It is necessary that what is strongest should be obeyed.
Blaise Pascal (1623–62) French Mathematician, Physicist, Theologian

Let them obey that know not how to rule.
William Shakespeare (1564–1616) British Playwright

The first law that ever God gave to man, was a law of obedience; it was a commandment pure and simple, wherein man had nothing to inquire after or to dispute, for as much as to obey is the proper office of a rational soul acknowledging a heavenly superior and benefactor.—From obedience and submission spring all other virtues, as all sin does from self-opinion and self-will.
Michel de Montaigne (1533–92) French Essayist

I am told so many ill things of a man, and I see so few in him, that I began to suspect he has a real but troublesome merit, as being likely too eclipse that of others.
Jean de La Bruyere (1645–96) French Satiric Moralist, Author

There was a time when we expected nothing of our children but obedience, as opposed to the present, when we expect everything of them but obedience.
Anatole Broyard (1920–90) American Literary Critic

The reason why men do not obey us is because they see the mud at the bottom of our eye.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–82) American Philosopher

Obedience is better than sacrifice.
The Holy Bible Scripture in the Christian Faith

Nonviolence is a flop. The only bigger flop is violence.
Joan Baez (b.1941) American Singer, Songwriter, Musician

Obedience to truth known, is the king’s highway to that which is still beyond us.
Aeschylus (525–456 BCE) Greek Playwright

Obedience is, indeed, founded on a kind of freedom, else it would become mere subjugation, but that freedom is only granted that obedience may be more perfect; and thus while a measure of license is necessary to exhibit the individual energies of things, the fairness and pleasantness and perfection of them all consist in their restraint.
John Ruskin (1819–1900) English Writer, Art Critic

The people in power will not disappear voluntarily, giving flowers to the cops just isn’t going to work. This thinking is fostered by the establishment; they like nothing better than love and nonviolence. The only way I like to see cops given flowers is in a flower pot from a high window.
William S. Burroughs (1914–97) American Novelist, Poet, Short Story Writer, Painter

One act of obedience is better than one hundred sermons.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–45) German Lutheran Pastor, Theologian

No one doth safely rule but he that hath learned gladly to obey.
Thomas a Kempis (1379–1471) German Religious Priest, Writer

The joy of youth is to disobey; but the trouble is that there are no longer any orders.
Jean Cocteau (1889–1963) French Poet, Playwright, Film Director

It is my contention that civil disobediences are nothing but the latest form of voluntary association, and that they are thus quite in tune with the oldest traditions of the country.
Hannah Arendt (1906–75) German-American Philosopher, Political Theorist

Obedience of the law is demanded; not asked as a favor.
Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919) American Head of State, Political leader, Historian, Explorer

It is foolish to strive with what we cannot avoid; we are born subjects, and to obey God is perfect liberty; he that does this, shall be free, safe, and quiet; all his actions shall succeed to his wishes.
Seneca the Younger (Lucius Annaeus Seneca) (c.4 BCE–65 CE) Roman Stoic Philosopher, Statesman, Tragedian

Obedience sums up our entire duty.
Hosea Ballou (1771–1852) American Theologian


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