Inspirational Quotations

Inspirational Quotations on Flying

I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder.
Bill Maher (b.1956) American Comedian, TV Personality, Social Critic, Author, Actor

The aeroplane has unveiled for us the true face of the earth.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900–44) French Novelist, Aviator

I watched him strap on his harness and helmet, climb into the cockpit and, minutes later, a black dot falls off the wing two thousand feet above our field. At almost the same instant, a white streak behind him flowered out into the delicate wavering muslin of a parachute—a few gossamer yards grasping onto air and suspending below them, with invisible threads, a human life, and man who by stitches, cloth, and cord, had made himself a god of the sky for those immortal moments.
Charles Lindbergh (1902–74) American Aviator, Inventor, Conservationist

Aerodynamically, the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn’t know that; so it goes on flying anyway.
Mary Kay Ash (1918–2001) American Entrepreneur, Businessperson

There are no signposts in the sky to show a man has passed that way before. There are no channels marked. The flier breaks each second into new uncharted seas.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1906–2001) American Aviator, Author

Man is flying too fast for a world that is round. Soon he will catch up with himself in a great rear end collision.
James Thurber

Falling hurts least those who fly low.
Chinese Proverb

Never Forget!- The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) German Philosopher, Scholar, Writer

Before you can learn to fly, you must first learn to walk. You cannot fly into flying.

Even an eagle will not fly higher than the sun.
Russian Proverb

Any landing you can walk away from is a good one.
Common Proverb

I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900–44) French Novelist, Aviator

There is no flying without wings.
French Proverb

The life of an aviator seemed to me ideal. It involved skill. It brought adventure. It made use of the latest developments of science. Mechanical engineers were fettered to factories and drafting boards while pilots have the freedom of wind with the expanse of sky. There were times in an aeroplane when it seemed I had escaped mortality to look down on earth like a God.
Charles Lindbergh (1902–74) American Aviator, Inventor, Conservationist

You haven’t seen a tree until you’ve seen its shadow from the sky.
Amelia Earhart (1897–1937) American Aviator

The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn’t it be?—it is the same the angels breathe.
Mark Twain (1835–1910) American Humorist

Why fly? Simple. I’m not happy unless there’s some room between me and the ground.
Richard Bach (b.1936) American Novelist, Aviator

Flying birds have no master.
French Proverb

A plane is a bad place for an all-out sleep, but a good place to begin rest and recovery from the trip to the faraway places you’ve been, a decompression chamber between Here and There. Though a plane is not the ideal place really to think, to reassess or reevaluate things, it is a great place to have the illusion of doing so, and often the illusion will suffice.
Shana Alexander (1925–2005) American Journalist, Editor, Author

You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.
Chinese Proverb

They quarrel about an egg and let the hen fly.
German Proverb

When a heart is on fire, sparks always fly out of the mouth.
Common Proverb

God made low branches for birds that cannot fly so well.
Turkish Proverb

I wish I could write well enough to write about aircraft. Faulkner did it very well in Pylon but you cannot do something someone else has done though you might have done it if they hadn’t.
Ernest Hemingway (1899–1961) American Author, Journalist, Short Story Writer

Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.
Henry David Thoreau (1817–62) American Philosopher

Flight is the only truly new sensation than men have achieved in modern history.
James Dickey (1923–97) American Poet, Writer

I pick the prettiest part of the sky and I melt into the wing and then into the air, till I’m just soul on a sunbeam.
Richard Bach (b.1936) American Novelist, Aviator

Flying. Whatever any other organism has been able to do man should surely be able to do also, though he may go a different way about it.
Samuel Butler

One could sit still and look at life from the air; that was it. And I was conscious again of the fundamental magic of flying, a miracle that has nothing to do with any of its practical purposes – speed, accessibility, and convenience – and will not change as they change. Looking down from the air that morning, I felt that stillness rested like a light over the earth. What motion there was took on a slow grace, like slow-motion pictures which catch the moment of outstretched beauty that one cannot see in life itself, so swiftly does it move.
And if flying, like a glass-bottomed bucket, can give you that vision, that seeing eye, which peers down to the still world below the choppy waves – it will always remain magic.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1906–2001) American Aviator, Author

No matter how high a bird can fly, it still has to look for food on the ground.
Danish Proverb


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